A Girls Weekend – Chapter 3

Posted by Editor - October 25th, 2007

Part III – At the restaurant

The change in Katie after her spanking was dramatic. She went back to being her usual cheerful and endearing herself allow them to not only enjoy a pleasant lunch but complete the remainder of their shopping trip in near record time.

Arriving home they both decided to take a quick shower and a nap before heading out to dinner. Waking up after his nap Larry headed into Kaitlyn’s room to wake her up (In order to preserve the illusion they had agreed to sleep in separate bedrooms for the entire weekend.) .

“Time to get up babygirl” he said while stroking her cheek gently

“Mmmm, don’ wanna. Wanna cuddle, come cuddle me Uncle Larry” she replied sleepily

Unable to resist such a loving invitation, Larry crawled into bed beside his wife cum niece and took her into his arms.

” OK, just a few minutes and time to get up babygirl, I don’t want to be late for dinner. This place is very popular and they won’t hold our reservations”

Katie snuggled in and just enjoyed the feeling of being held in his arms. For some reason Larry could always make her feel completely safe and secure, just by holding her. She had missed that last night.

After about a half hour Larry reluctantly started to get up. “C’mon babygirl, I don’t want to miss our reservations”

“NO!, Don’t wanna get up, wanna cuddle!!!”

<SWAT> “Up you!” he said with a smile.

“OW!, NO! CUDDLE!” she replied, holding her arms out to him once again.

“OK, I know what will get you up, a great big TICKLE FIGHT!!!!” Larry jumped on the bed and began tickling Katie under her arms.


“Then I guess you had better get up, huh?”, Larry continued tickling her in her most sensitive spots, especially right behind the knees.

Katie was helpless with laughter, no matter how much she tried to squirm away Larry always seemed to find her most ticklish spots.

Gasping for air and feeling like she was going to pee her pants, Katie finally gave in. “OK! *gasp* OK, I’ll get up, I’LL GET UPPPPP!!!!”

Larry stood up and helped Katie to her feet. Giving her a final hug and a squeeze of her still tender bottom, he pushed her towards the bathroom.

:”Hurry up and get ready, we have to leave in less than an hour”

“OK, ya big meanie. I’m going, I’m going”

Larry laughed and headed towards his own room to get ready.

45 minutes later Larry was all dressed and impatient to get going. Katie had not responded to any of his prompting to hurry up and he was growing more and more irritated.

“KAITLYN! If we miss these reservations you are going to be eating your dinner standing up,. YOUNG LADY!” he shouted up the stairs.

“KAITL-” Larry stood at the bottom of the stairs with his mouth open. There was his beautiful Katie girl, looking as if she had stepped out of a young girl’s fashion magazine. She was wearing the party dress they bought earlier. A beautiful silvery blue dress with puffy sleeves and silver threads shot through out it. Her hair was in a fall held by a matching silver and blue bow. A pair of white tights and shiny new Mary Janes completed the picture of burgeoning innocence.

“I’m ready, Uncle Larry” she said with a small nervous smile.

Larry was speechless, she looked so beautiful.

“You look beautiful babygirl. Your going to be the prettiest girl in the restaurant. But we better hurry up or we will miss our reservations” he said at last.

Katie beamed at the compliment and taking her Uncle’s arm they headed out the door.

They had made the restaurant just in time and their table was waiting for them. The table was beautifully set with a pink linen table cloth and candles to add to the mood. They sat down and started looking through the menu.

“HEY! It’s all in French” Katie complained

“Well you can either ask me to translate or you can trust me to order for you” Larry Replied

“I guess you can order, but NO SNAILS!” she said making a face.

Larry Chuckled. “OK, no escargot, but do you mind if I order for some for myself?”

“OK, but I don’t wanna watch. That stuff makes my stomach queasy”

Larry ordered the meal, including wine for himself and milk for Katie, entirely in French. Knowing that Katie can be a picky eater, he made sure to order a simple chicken dish for her,Dinner went along smoothly, except for a couple of minor if embarrassing moments. The first was when the Escargot came, they were still in the shell. Larry had more than a little difficulty holding the shell with the tongs, so much so that, at one point a snail had flown across the room to land in another diner’s soup.

The 2nd incident was much more embarrassing for Kaitlyn, at one table a young girl about Katie’s apparent “age” pointed towards her and whispered loudly to her mother – “Momma, that’s the girl who got spanked at the store this afternoon” Kaitlyn blushed to her roots, but fortunately besides a few nervous titters nothing more was said.

“Katie, you haven’t even touched your peas” Larry said. It was true, she had practically cleared her plate of the chicken and potatoes but hadn’t eaten a bite of the peas.

“I HATE peas Uncle Larry, and I don’t wanna eat them”

“Peas are good for you babygirl, now I want you to clean your plate, so we can order dessert”

“No, I won’t eat them and you can’t make me. Peas are yucky”

“Kaitlyn Marie, you will eat your peas and there will be no more discussion about it. I am going to the rest room and when I come back I better see a clean plate, or you will be a very sorry little girl.”

Kaitlyn watched her Uncle leave and just sat at her place and pouted, then, inspiration hit her. Looking around to make sure nobody could see, she quickly scooped the dreaded peas into her napkin and placed it on the empty chair beside her. Then placing her most innocent look on her face, she folded her hands and waited for her Uncle Larry to return.

Larry came back and one glance at Kate’s plate told him that she had taken him at his word and eaten the peas. “Katie, I am proud of you, I know you don’t like them but you cleaned your plate anyway.” He gave her a quick hug.

Katie smiled guiltily, “Yep, I cleaned my plate all right” she said with a glance towards the empty chair where they sat.

“Oh, I have to tell you what I overheard on my way to the restore”, Larry said while pulling out the chair next to her.


Too late, Larry sat down right on the peas creating a squishy mess all over the seat of his pants.

“Wha?” Larry quickly stood up and turned around to see the mess left on the chair.

“Kaitlyn Marie Armstrong, so THIS is how you clean your plate huh?”

Taking her by the hand, he started pulling her towards the door, swatting her bottom as they went.. “I’ll teach YOU <SWAT> to play games like that <smack> <swat> <smack>”

“OW! I’m sorry Uncle Larry, I didn’t mean for you to sit in them” she said with a stifled giggle.

Telling the Maitre’d that they would be back shortly, Larry dragged Kaitlyn out to the van, deaf to her pleas for another chance.

“Uncle Larry,. PLEEEASE don’t spank me. Please, I didn’t mean for you to sit on it. Please, I’ll be such a good girl, I promise!”

“I have had just about enough of your mischief young lady, you are going to learn to behave like a proper young lady or you will not sit down for a month.”

Opening the side door he dragged Katie inside and shut the door behind them. Sitting down, Larry dragged the now frightened Kaitlyn across his knees and lifted her dress. Feeling his fingers in the waistband of her tights, Katie began to protest.

“NO!, Please don’t take down my panties Uncle Larry, I’m too old for you to see me like that”

Ignoring her please, Larry pulled her tights and panties down to her knees. “When you act like a naughty little girl, you get spanked like a naughty little girl. And that means on your bare bottom.”

<SMACK>:” I am very disappointed in you Kaitlyn” <WHACK> <SMACK> <CRACK>

“OW!” I’m sorry Uncle Larry, OUCH, really I am. Please don’t spank me, I’ll be a good girl, I promise!”

Ignoring her promises Larry continued spanking. Kaitlyn had one of those small tight round bottom that most spankers dream of. Fully packed yet small enough that he can easily cover most of it with one hand. He watched as Kaitlyn’s bottom rippled and turned first pink, then red under the punishing spanks. Katie started kicking and squirming immediately, her pleas getting more and more desperate as her naughty bottom heated up. When Larry moved down to her upper thighs, she began to sob.

“Oh no!, PLEASE Uncle Larry, not there, it hurts so much. WAHHHH, I’ll be a good girl, I promise!! I’ll NEVER EVER try and trick you again. I PROMISE WAHHHHHH!!!” Katie started to really bawl.

Figuring Katie was ready to listen, he moved back to smacking her bottom.

“When I ask you to do something <SMACK> I expect you to obey <WHACK> <CRACK> <SMACK>, NOT <SMACK> try and trick me!” <CRACK> <WHACK> <SPLAT>

“OWW!! I’m SORRY I’M SORRY!! I won’t ever do it again, please don’t spank me anymore Uncle Larry”

“I expect to be able to TRUST my little girl? <SMACK> <WHACK> <SPLAT>

“You can, you can. I promise, I didn’t mean to trick you. I just didn’t want to eat my peas! OUCH, I’m sorry Uncle Larry, please forgive me” Katie pleaded tearfully

“Are you ever going to do something like that again?” <SMACK <CRACK> <WHACK>

“OUCH, Wahhhh. No! Uncle Larry, I promise I promise. NEVER EVER EVER, I promise WAHHHH” Finally Katie had enough, she collapsed over Larry’s lap sobbing softly.

Larry, having spanked her bottom and thighs to a deep red glow stopped the spanking and began to gently rub her bottom, letting her cry it out.

“OK babygirl, I believe you learned your lesson this time. But I am afraid this is not the end of it. This is the 3rd time I had to spank you today and I can’t even count the number of times I had to warn you. You are going to get a good spanking with the hairbrush at bedtime tonight. Maybe that will be sufficient to curb this behavior” he said while pulling up her panties and tights

Katie jumped off his lap landing on her bottom. With a yelp she quickly got up on her knees and began to plead with her exasperated uncle. “Oh NO! Please Uncle Larry, not another spanking, and not with the hairbrush PLEASE!!! I’ll be such a good girl I promise. I’ll be your perfect little babygirl, I’ll never ever try and trick you again, I promise. PLEASE. my bottom is already so hot and sore, I couldn’t take another spanking.” she begged.

“You can, and you will babygirl. I have had enough of this. Now get up now and lets finish our dinner, unless you want more right now” he said while opening the door.

Katie jumped up and nearly dove out the door. “I’m going, I’m going” she said hands on her bottom

Larry chuckled as he watched her jump around a bit while rubbing her stinging bottom. “All right, lets go and see if we can at least enjoy our dessert, though I don’t know why you should have any all things considered.

Katie’s face was crestfallen at the thought she would not be able to taste one of the restaurants famous desserts. They had this dish of creme and berries served in a dark chocolate dish that was to be died for.Figuring that Katie had been punished enough and that she had more ahead of her, Larry capitulated.

“OK babygirl, you can have dessert But only because I know how much you were looking forward to it. Now go clean yourself up and I will go ahead an order”

sniffling softly, Katie smiled weakly “Thank you, Uncle Larry” and headed off to the rest room to get cleaned up.

Larry called over the waiter and ordered the rich dessert along with coffee and hot chocolate to top it off. Katie came out of the rest room looking none the worse for the wear and sat down a little too quickly. Jumping up from the sudden reminder she sat down more carefully and prepared to eat the rich dessert she had been presented with. Surreptitious glances and a whispered comment from the young girl mentioned earlier let her know that more than a few of the other patrons were aware of what just transpired.

Blushing deeply, Kaitlyn concentrated on finishing her dessert. Despite her impending date with the hairbrush. She figured anything was better than dying of embarrassment

They finished their meal and headed out the door, Katie was quiet the entire ride home not wishing to anger her guardian further. When they got to the house he opened her door and pointed toward the front door.

“I want you to go up to your room and get changed for bed. I will be up in a few moments to give you your spanking” he told her with a stern look

Kaitlyn looked up at him with pleading eyes, but one look at his now dark grey eyes let her know that there would be no last minute reprieve. Running upstairs to her room, she ran to her room and slammed the door, then began to change into her sleep wear. A big pooh T-shirt that came down past her bottom and purple cotton panties. Reaching into her panty drawer she pulled out the hairbrush paddle he uses to spank her when she has been really naughty and placed on the straight backed chair in front of her bed. Opening the door she called down “I… I’m ready for my spanking Uncle Larry”

Walking to the corner she lifted her shirt above her waist and pushed her panties down to her knees and waited for him to come up.

Hearing her call, Larry waited for a few minutes before going pstairs, the sight of her standing there, her hair in a pony tail and with her still pink bottom on display nearly melted his heart. Steeling himself he sat down and called her over to stand in front of him. Holding her small hands in his he began to speak to her lovingly but firmly.

“I am very disappointed in the way that you behaved toady babygirl. This is not how my Katie girl behaves. My Katie is a good little girl, who makes me smile. I don’t know what got into you today but I am going to make sure this does not happen again anytime soon.”

Katie started to cry softly. “I’m sorry Uncle Larry, really I am. Please down spank me anymore. I’ve learned my lesson. Really! I’ll be your good little babygirl forever, I promise. PLEAASSE Uncle Larry? Please? Please Please?”

Larry’s heart nearly broke at pitiful plea, but he knew this is what they both wanted. What they had talked about for months. Katie knew she could safeword at anytime to stop the fantasy, so as long as she did not ,Larry knew she wanted him to continue, the quick wink she gave him let him know that his assumption was correct. Gathering himself together and crooked his finger at her he signaled for her to get over his knees.

“Now Kaitlyn, unless you would like me to add a dose of the strap”

“NO!, I’m going, I’m going” She nearly dove over his lap, her panties getting tangled between her legs almost making her fall.

Larry lifted her shirt up to her shoulders, leaving her bare nearly to her ankles. Raising the hairbrush paddle high above his head, he brought it down with a loud *SMACKK* in the center of her bottom

“OWWWWW!!!” she screamed.

The hairbrush paddle was a formidable implement. Made out a dark mahogany leather it was nearly 12 inches long from end to end. In the center was a strip of spring steel which gave it the same weight and thud of an old fashioned hairbrush without the bruising that can often occur with wooden implements.

Larry continued to rain spank after spank on Kaitlyn’s full round bottom admiring the way her bottom turned white then red under his ministrations. Katie on the other hand started kicking and crying almost immediately, promising anything if he would just stop now. At one point, she kicked so hard her panties went flying across the room. After about 2 dozen spanks, Larry paused to rub her pulsing bottom. A surreptitious check between her legs let him know that she was just as wet as he was hard.

“Kaitlyn Marie Armstrong, I don’t EVER <SMACKK> EVER <CRACKK> want to have to do this AGAIN” <SMACKK> <CRACKK> <WHACKK> ” Is that UNDERSTOOD” <SMACK> <CRACKK> The last two swats were right where bottom meets thigh bring forth a fresh burst of tears

“OW OW!!, No NEVER AGAIN, I promise I Promissseee WAHHHHHHHH”

Katie collapsed over Larry’s knees and just sobbed her whole body shaking with the release of her tears. After a final quick dozen on each cheek Larry put down the hairbrush and began to gently rub Kaitlyn’s shoulders. Allowing her to cry out all the tension that had been building up for the last few months.

After she started to settle down Larry picked her up and cradled her in his arms, careful to keep her sore bottom suspended between his legs. Katie laid her head against his shoulder crying softly while gently stroking her hair. After she settled down she kissed him softly on the cheek.

“Thank you for spanking me Uncle Larry. I’m sorry I was such a naughty little girl. *sniff* I’ll try and do better tomorrow”

“It’s OK, babygirl. It’s all over now and all is forgiven;” He continued to rock her while singing softly until she fell asleep. Placing her gently in her bed, he tucked her in and closed the light. “Sleep with Angels, my sweet little babygirl. Tomorrow is a new adventure”